ResumeWork Profiles
JS Mastery
Full-Stack Developer May 2023 - August 2023
CSS, Express, Figma, Git, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MongoDB, Next.js, Node.js, React, Redux, SQL, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript
Played an integral role in conceptualizing and delivering captivating educational projects for a YouTube channel boasting 600K+
• Spearheaded the creation of diverse projects, ranging from a Stack Overflow clone to cutting-edge E-commerce solutions, showcasing
versatility across thematic domains.
• Collaborated seamlessly with the JavaScript Mastery team to ensure each project transcended mere code, serving as a potent learning
tool for the audience.
• Participated actively in brainstorming sessions, infusing projects with unique insights and contributing beyond development
• Key Skills - Javascript, TypeScript, Next.JS, React, TailwindCSS, Node, Express, MongoDB, NoSQL, Git, Shadcn, Sanity, Clerk,
Uploadthing, Figma.
DisprzChennai, India
Associate Software Engineer October 2022 - February 2023
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React, Redux, SQL, Tailwind CSS
• Calendar appointment app - Architecturally, innovatively conceived, and executed a full-stack solution leveraging React and ASP.NET
Web API, delivering a secure and user-friendly application for creating and managing personalized events. Skillfully implemented custom
token-based authentication to fortify data integrity. Proficiently designed and integrated intuitive sign up, login, and event manipulation
features, showcasing expertise in both React and ASP.NET Web API.
• Created a dynamic single-page Social feed app in React, featuring intuitive content sharing, responsive design, attachments, and audio
playback. Utilized Sass, Font Awesome icons, and local storage for seamless cross-device functionality.
• Development of a Responsive Landing Page for, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure smooth accessibility across
devices. Rigorously tested and debugged for impeccable functionality, delivering a seamless user experience.
• Key Skills - React, HTML, CSS (Sass), JavaScript, ASP.Net Web API, Unit testing, MSSQL, Frontend Development, UI/UX Design,
Token-Based, Authentication, Responsive Design, Problem Solving, Browser Local Storage.
Anna UniversityAug 2018 - Jun 2022
Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor's